5 Breathing Exercises to Help With Stress
When stress gets us down, sometimes all we need to do is to allow ourselves to breathe. Literally. The following are 5 breathing exercises you can do to help tame your stress.
Alternate Nostril Breathing
1. Sit cross-legged in a comfortable manner.
2. Clasp your right nostril and inhale air through your left.
3. Release your right nostril, clasping the left, and exhale.
4. Do this again, but start by clasping the left nostril.
5. Repeat this a few times for up to 5 minutes.
Breath Focus
1. Relax, close your eyes, and begin to take deep breaths.
2. Every time you inhale, imagine the air as inhalable peace.
3. Every time you exhale, imagine stress flowing out alongside the air.
4. State these a words while breathing in accordance to each breath: “I inhale peace, and exhale stress”.
5. Do this for up to 20 minutes.
Belly Breathing
1, Lie down flat with one hand on your stomach and another on your chest.
2. Breathe in through your nostrils, allowing your stomach to fill with air.
3. Once your stomach is filled with air, breath out through your mouth.
4. Repeat this a few times, allowing only your stomach to move while breathing, rather than chest.
Deep Cleansing Breath
1. Take a huge breath through your nose, filling yourself with as much air as you can.
2. Release the air, with an attempt to empty yourself from all of the air you inhaled.
3. Repeat this for a few times to lift the tension from your upper body.
Mindful Diaphragmic Breathing.
1. Position yourself comfortably and close your eyes.
2. Breath in and out normally, while asking yourself “How do I breathe?”.
3. Conclude the breathing session by allowing yourself to be aware of how your breathing normally operates.